
Say Goodbye to Unhealthy Sodas: Discover the Benefits of TEAONIC Fresh Pop Wellness Sodas


Are you tired of constantly wondering "what is the healthiest soda?" It's time to say goodbye to the days of settling for sugary sodas or artificial diet options. Introducing TEAONIC Fresh Pop Wellness Sodas - the ultimate answer to your search for a delicious and healthy soda.

Our story starts with our founders, Fleur and Desiree, who were determined to create a soda that not only tasted great but also provided functional benefits. With a blend of botanicals and juices, TEAONIC Fresh Pop Wellness Sodas offer three unique flavors to support your specific needs.

Immunity: Our IMMUNITY flavor is a true treat for the taste buds and the body, with ingredients like elderberry, orange, and lemon juice, as well as brewed hibiscus to strengthen and revive from the inside out. 

Detox: This refreshing blend of ginger and lemon is designed to help support the body's natural detoxification process.

Chill: Our CHILL flavor is a true treat for the taste buds and the body, with ingredients like tart cherry juice, hibiscus flower, and brewed holy basil to relax and revitalize from the inside out.

So next time you're wondering "what is the healthiest soda?", choose TEAONIC Fresh Pop Wellness Sodas. With a range of delicious and functional flavors, you can enjoy a soda that tastes great and supports your overall well-being.